Evidence Update: New Food Labels for 2018
On May 20, 2016, the FDA announced that there will be a new Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods. This new label will reflect new scientific information, including the link between diet and chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. The intent of the new label is to make it easier for consumers to […]
Evidence Update: Journaling and Breast Cancer Patients
Journaling can be a powerful tool to improve quality of life, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress among breast cancer patients. A recent research study had a group of women with breast cancer write about their breast cancer journey. The study revealed 3 common themes in these women’s experience: writing as process, writing as therapeutic, and writing […]
TurningPoint Interview on Top Docs Radio
Radio Interview covers organization overview, history and growth of TurningPoint. Top Docs Radio hosted an interview with Founder and Executive Director Jill Binkley. Check out the interview.
Radio Interview: Georgia News Network Feb 2018
TurningPoint Featured Rebecca Cowens-Alvarado, TurningPoint Executive Director, and Robyn Cohen, TurningPoint patient, volunteer and advocate, chat with John Clark of Georgia News Network, about TurningPoint’ mission, services, history and programs.  Robyn shares her story of how TurningPoint was in fact, her turning point!