Meet our Board

Our Board is passionately committed to advancing the mission of supporting individuals affected by breast cancer. Each member brings a unique blend of expertise, insight, and personal experience to guide our organization. Many of our Board members have personal connections to breast cancer, either as survivors themselves or as caregivers to loved ones. Their deep understanding of the challenges faced by those we serve drives their dedication to our cause and informs their strategic decisions, ensuring we continue to provide the best support possible in a nurturing and empathetic environment.

Executive Committee

Mike Kozel

Board Chair

Kathy Smith, BS

Board Vice Chair

Jason Bernstein

Governance Chair

Thomas Diasio, CPA


Thomas P. Smith, BS, MS

Board Secretary

Amy Taylor, BS

Board Member

Calvin Wright

Board Member

Chelsea Dorfeld, CPA

Board Member

Dr. Kim Lipscomb, MD

The Pink Affair Committee

Gail Flanigan, PhD

Board Member

Karen S. Touchstone, CTFA

Board Member

Pat J. Royak, BS

Finance and Governance

Shawn Phillips

Finance Committee

Valerie Wagner, PT, DPT

Board Member

Patient stories