Emotional Support: One piece of the puzzle
Would you be interested in a free online support group with an experienced clinical licensed social worker? Please take our SURVEY so that we can appropriately place you in a group. We realize that the trauma of our current world crisis hits our patients exponentially. Our current support group has expanded, thus letting us know […]
Pre-Op Appointments: One piece of the puzzle
TurningPoint offers pre-operative appointments to teach immediate post-operative posture and breathing exercises, establish baseline measures and address expectations of the post-operative period. Contact us and discover how we can help fill your needs with compassionate care. Would you like to schedule a Pre-Op appointment? Send us an email and let us know your name and […]
TeleRehab: One piece of the puzzle
Due to the common immunosuppression of our patients coupled with the “Shelter in Place” order, TeleRehab is the optimum solution for breast cancer survivors in need of rehabilitation. After pilot testing evaluations and treatments, TurningPoint is confident in translating our clinical skills into TeleRehab. We have been treating people with success via TeleRehab since the […]
Strides for Survivors: T-Shirts Available
The 4th Annual Strides for Survivors Walk, held February 1, 2020, was a huge success. Team Scalise (3 daughters who organize the event in honor of their mother, Stephanie Scalise) did an outstanding job of fundraising for TurningPoint. A record 250+ walkers registered to help raise over $9,000.00 to date. If you would like to […]