Information from Whole Foods Educational Event on Plant-Based Eating
We wanted to share the Handout on plant based eating, prepared by TurningPoint’s Dietitian Lisa Eisele, RD, LD, from our recent Education Event held at the Avalon Whole Foods Salud Cooking School.
Evidence Update: To GMO or not to GMO–that is the question!
You may ask, “what exactly is a GMO”? GMO is defined as any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. It typically involves insertion or deletion of one or more genes to get a desired effect or remove an undesirable trait. For example: a crop could be modified to be more drought […]
Evidence Update: Ongoing Survivorship Care
Survivorship is a complicated part of having cancer—because it is different for everyone. Every survivor has individual concerns and challenges. Cancer survivorship begins at diagnosis, includes individuals who have completed their cancer treatment and also includes people who continue to have treatment over a long period, to either reduce risk of reoccurrence or to manage […]
Evidence Update: Impact of Yoga for Breast Cancer Patients
Studies have shown that relaxation techniques and exercise such as yoga have been shown to increase overall health of the body and quality of life of the individual. A review article was done studying the effect on yoga of quality of life of women with breast cancer. Yoga was determined to help with physical and […]