Nutrition Q&A: March is National Nutrition Month

Q: What exactly is National Nutrition Month? A: Education on healthy lifestyle. March is National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education campaign of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as The American Dietetic Association). National Nutrition Month takes place annually to educate the public of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Each year the Academy sets a themed campaign that focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and exercise habits. This year’s theme, “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right” encourages everyone to enjoy food traditions and appreciate the pleasures, great flavors and social experience that food can add to our lives. This year the Academy encourages adding the different flavors of herbs and spices to our food. By using more herbs/spices we can drastically reduce the use of sodium and fat in our diet. Being mindful of sodium consumption and keeping saturated fats at a minimum are two of ten cancer preventing guidelines from the American Institute for Cancer Research. Adding herb/spices to your food is a quick and easy way to add flavor and hidden health benefits. A number of herbs/spices also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial in the fight against cancer and recurrence. The list of anti-inflammatory herbs/spices is quite extensive, and you may be using a number of them currently and not even realizing the benefits they provide. The list includes: Basil, Bay Leaf, Chervil, Chives, Cilantro, Cinnamon, Clove, Dill, Garlic, Ginger, Marjoram, Mustard, Nutmeg, Paprika, Parsley, Pepper, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Tarragon, Thyme, and Turmeric. As always I encourage you to get these in the form of seasonings rather than in supplement form. Happy cooking!
Nutrition Q&A: Heart Health

Q: In this, the American Heart Month, what can I do to decrease my risk of heart disease? A: There are risk factors we can assess. February is American Heart Month. Here at TurningPoint, breast cancer s our focus. We are passionate about keeping you in the loop with the latest research on breast cancer and ways to decrease recurrence, and during the month of February I like to spend some time on another health issue I’m passionate about—cardiovascular health. And maintaining good cardiovascular health will also help with maintaining a healthy weight, which is a factor in reducing recurrence of breast cancer. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One in three deaths is a result of heart disease or stroke. Heart disease is known as the silent killer because most of us don’t know what puts us at risk. Knowing the risk factors is the first step that puts you in charge of your health and gives you the advantage of making changes. There are 10 things that put you at greater risk: Age, Sex, Family History, Race, Smoking, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Inactivity, Weight, and Diabetes. We are unable to change our age, sex, race and family history, but we have total control of changing the others. What you do or don’t eat, whether you smoke, and if you’re physically active, are all choices made by you and can directly affect your health. This year instead of focusing on what NOT to do, focus on the positive changes you can make to decrease your risk for heart disease. Here are some suggestions: Avoid saturated fats. Sources of saturated fat include: Fatty meat. Poultry skin, Whole milk, Lard, Coconut oil, Palm kernel oil, Palm oil, Butter, Cream, and Cottonseed oil Read ingredient lists to make sure that the foods you choose do not contain partially hydrogenated oils. These are trans fats. Choose healthier sources of fat. Choose: Olive oil, Canola oil, Walnut oil, Nuts, Seeds, and Avocados Eat fatty fish at least two times each week. The following are fatty fish: Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Bluefish, Mullet, Anchovies, Herring, and Sardines. If you do not like fish, you may consider taking a fish oil supplement that provides at least 1 gram (g)/day of combined eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Decrease the amount of sugar you consume. Eat several sources of soluble fiber each day. Good sources include: Citrus fruits, Apples, Pears, Prunes, Peaches, Plums, Barley, Oats, Legumes, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and Carrots Increase your intake of foods that contain calcium and vitamin D. Good sources of calcium include: Milk (skim) , Milk products(skim) , Fortified orange juice, Fortified breads, Fortified cereals, Beans, Dried figs, Calcium-fortified tofu, Canned salmon with bones, Almonds, Dark-green leafy vegetables, and Broccoli Eat plenty of potassium-rich foods. These include: Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Bananas, Oranges, Halibut, Lima beans, Tuna, Swiss chard, Acorn squash, Tomatoes, Watermelon, Grapes, Raisins, Pistachios, Flounder, Parsnips, Pinto beans, Wheat germ, Brussel sprouts, Prunes, Spinach, Salmon, Cantaloupe, Lentils, Milk (skim) , and Milk products(skim) Eat more fresh herbs and decrease your sodium consumption to 1,500 mg per day. Eat several servings of nuts each week. The best kinds of nuts are: Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil nuts, Pecans, and Pistachios Use garlic, onions, and leeks often when preparing food. Choose cereals that contain more than 5 g of fiber/serving. Good choices include: Raisin bran, Shredded wheat, Grape-Nuts, Fiber One® You don’t have to tackle all of this at once. Pick a couple a week and commit to making a change!
Nutrition Q&A: Fad Diets–How to spot them

Q: Losing weight seems to always show up on my list of New Year’s resolutions. Any advice? A: Fad diets are not the route to go. It’s New Year’s resolution time. For most, losing weight is near the top of the list. Being an ideal body weight has many health benefits especially when it comes to cancer prevention and decreasing recurrence rates for breast cancer survivors. Weight loss, if one is overweight, is a great goal to have, if done properly, but unfortunately many turn to the latest and greatest “fad” diet to help them achieve their goal. The definition of a fad diet is any weight loss program or aid that promises to produce dramatic weight loss in a very short period of time. These diets are usually very restricted in calories and may even eliminate whole food groups all together. Research shows in order to obtain the nutrients your body needs you must consume a balanced and varied diet. Fad diets do not allow you to eat a well-balanced diet, especially when eliminating whole food groups, and can put you at risk for nutrient deficiencies and increase your risk for certain diseases. Fad diets are often short lived because they’re too restrictive, too full of rules, or too complicated. In order to spot a “fad” diet, review the following statements. If any of the following statements ring true, odds are it’s not worth the effort. You may be looking at a fad diet if the diet: Blames weight gain on things like blood type, personality, hormones or toxins in food Carries no warnings for individuals with health problems to seek medical advice before beginning the plan Promotes and sells a product, such as herbal weight-loss pills at or a specific food Doesn’t address the need for portion control Doesn’t allow freedom and flexibility Doesn’t recommend or include physical activity Encourages unlimited consumption of certain foods Forbids or limits certain foods Ignores individual differences in weight loss Lists good and bad foods Must combine certain foods in each meal Requires you to pay a good amount of money to get results Promises a “quick fix” with little to no effort Promises rapid weight loss, more than 2 pounds a week Requires you to purchase a certain product Draws simple conclusions from complex studies Sounds too good to be true Uses testimonials or case studies to show results If weight loss is part of your resolve for the new year, please consider scheduling an appointment with TurningPoint’s registered dietitian to get the no-fad approach to dieting. Call the office at 770-360-9271 for an appointment.
Nutrition Q&A: Vitamin C during cold and flu season?

Q. Do you recommend taking a Vitamin C supplement during cold and flu season? A. Found in more foods than just citrus! Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant. Its main role in our bodies is to maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels and skin. During the winter months it is not uncommon for people to supplement with large doses of Vitamin C because they’ve heard it helps prevent catching the common cold. The truth to the matter is, there is no evidence that consuming large amounts of vitamin C (200 mg or greater) reduced the frequency of the common cold. However, there was a tendency for Vitamin C to reduce the severity and duration of colds. I always encourage my clients to get their nutrients from whole food rather than pill form. The RDI for Vitamin C is 75 mg for females and 90 mg for males and these RDI’s can easily be meet simply by consuming fruits and vegetables. We all know oranges are an excellent source of Vitamin C, providing 95 mg in just one orange, but did you know about these excellent sources? Broccoli, 101 mg/cup, Strawberries, 10 mg/berry, Bell Pepper 117 mg/cup, Cauliflower, 55/cup, and Sweet Potato, 39mg/cup, to name a few. Most fruits and vegetables containing Vitamin C are also excellent sources of phytonutrients, which have the added health benefit of preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer, something you miss out on when swallowing a pill. Bottom line, epidemiological evidence suggests that adequate Vitamin C from foods is linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, so if you’re interested in increasing your Vitamin C intake, head to the produce department at your local grocer instead of the supplement isle.