Nutrition Q&A: March is National Nutrition Month
Q: What exactly is National Nutrition Month? A: Education on healthy lifestyle. March is National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education campaign of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly known as The American Dietetic Association). National Nutrition Month takes place annually to educate the public of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Each year the […]
Nutrition Q&A: Heart Health
Q: In this, the American Heart Month, what can I do to decrease my risk of heart disease? A: There are risk factors we can assess. February is American Heart Month. Here at TurningPoint, breast cancer s our focus. We are passionate about keeping you in the loop with the latest research on breast cancer and […]
Nutrition Q&A: Fad Diets–How to spot them
Q: Losing weight seems to always show up on my list of New Year’s resolutions. Any advice? A: Fad diets are not the route to go. It’s New Year’s resolution time. For most, losing weight is near the top of the list. Being an ideal body weight has many health benefits especially when it comes […]
Nutrition Q&A: Vitamin C during cold and flu season?
 Q.  Do you recommend taking a Vitamin C supplement during cold and flu season? A.  Found in more foods than just citrus! Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant. Its main role in our bodies is to maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels and skin. During the […]