Evidence Update: To GMO or not to GMO–that is the question!

You may ask, “what exactly is a GMO”? GMO is defined as any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. It typically involves insertion or deletion of one or more genes to get a desired effect or remove an undesirable trait. For example: a crop could be modified to be more drought tolerant. There is no doubt that GMOs are a highly controversial topic whenever brought up in conversation. Patients often say “GMOs are poison, they cause cancer”, or “they are just unsafe to eat”, all the while some report their safety and benefits. So what gives? There is no doubt that marketing plays a big role in how we feel about GMO’s. The non-GMO verified label has become increasingly more popular, almost more so than the fat-free craze. If you didn’t stress out about picking up the wrong food at the grocery story before, I’m sure you have questioned your choice lately; making your shopping and meal planning more of a challenge. These labels make you question if genetically modified organisms are in everything at the store. Believe it or not, there are only 11 commercial GMO foods in the US; the unfortunate thing is that there are hundreds of food products that use those 11 foods. The remaining question that is yet to be answered, is “are GMO’s safe”? Some people believe that altering the DNA of a plant or animal has a significant effect on a person’s chances of developing cancer. But the current research on the health risks of GMOs is inconclusive. In other words, researchers have not yet confirmed whether or not GMOs increase cancer risks. If you are concerned, follow these guidelines from MD Anderson on ways to curb your intake of GM foods. Know the most commonly modified crops. (https://gmoanswers.com/current-gmo-crops ) Buy organic foods. Organic foods are grown from non-GMO seeds. Buy meat that was grass-fed or pasture-fed. Cows, chickens, pigs and even farmed fish are often on a diet of genetically modified corn or alfalfa. Check that your meat is from animals that are grass-fed or pasture-fed. Read the labels. The top two genetically modified crops are corn and soy. They’re also the most widely used ingredients. Avoid products that contain ingredients like corn syrup and soy lecithin. Buy brands labeled non-GM or GMO-free. Some products are labeled as non-GM or GMO-free, meaning, they do not use genetically modified ingredients. GMO-free food sources are listed on the Non-GMO Project website. (https://www.nongmoproject.org ) Shop at local farmers markets. Most GM foods come from large industrial farms. Shop at local farmers markets or sign up for a co-op. Eat a healthy diet to reduce cancer risk. The most important thing to remember is that sticking with a plant-based diet rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains will outweigh any GMO health concerns.
Evidence Update: Ongoing Survivorship Care

Survivorship is a complicated part of having cancer—because it is different for everyone. Every survivor has individual concerns and challenges. Cancer survivorship begins at diagnosis, includes individuals who have completed their cancer treatment and also includes people who continue to have treatment over a long period, to either reduce risk of reoccurrence or to manage chronic disease. Survivors may feel stress when their frequent visits to their health care team end after completing treatment. The relationships built with the cancer care team can provide a sense of security during treatment, and people miss this source of support. A 2017 study affirms the concerns that some cancer survivors have voiced about which health care providers should be directing their long-term care. A large group of breast cancer survivors were surveyed, and a majority preferred that their PCP’s handle their care after breast cancer treatment. Minority women preferred oncology-directed care versus PCP- directed care for their general preventative care. An effort to clarify provider roles in survivorship care to patients may be effective in improving team-based cancer care and support. At TurningPoint, we provide survivorship care with ongoing education, exercise classes, and continued care with massage, physical therapy, nutritional support and counseling. Wallner LP, Li Y, Furgal AKC, Friese CR, Hamilton AS, Ward KC, Jagsi R, Katz SJ, Hawley ST; Patient Preferences for Primary Care Provider Roles in Breast Cancer Survivorship Care. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Sep 1. 35(25):2942-2948.
Evidence Update: Impact of Yoga for Breast Cancer Patients

Studies have shown that relaxation techniques and exercise such as yoga have been shown to increase overall health of the body and quality of life of the individual. A review article was done studying the effect on yoga of quality of life of women with breast cancer. Yoga was determined to help with physical and body stability and help with relaxation. The study noted that yoga can be beneficial for immune system modification and help to stabilize the autonomic nervous system and control emotions. It is highly recommended that women going through breast cancer treatment engage in some type of exercise in order to help maintain their quality of life. Dehghanmehr, S, Varasteh, S, Koochakzai, M, Nooraeen, S, and Salarzaei, M; (2018) Studying the Effect of Doing Yoga on the Quality of the Life of Women with Breast Cancer: A Review Article. Prensa Med Argent 104:2. doi: 10.4172/0032-745X.1000278.
Welcome Pat Royak to the Board

Pat Royak Joins TurningPoint Board of Directors Please join us in welcoming Patricia J. Royak to the Board of Directors. (Pat is pictured right–at the 2018 Pink Affair–with TurningPoint’s Executive Director Rebecca Cowens-Alvarado.) Pat is a global executive leading iconic lifestyle brands in consumer and medical device fields, on three continents: Asia, Europe, and North America. She has been at the helm of several leading clothing and intimates brands. Pat served as Senior Vice President and Managing Director of International at Maidenform Brands, Inc. She has also held posts as President at Calvin Klein® Jeans, Vice President of Global Brand Marketing for Liz Claiborne Apparel and President for Liz Claiborne Europe. Most recently, Pat served as the COO The Marena Group, a global leader in medical-grade compression, based in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Pat now resides in Atlanta with her husband Jack, and their son John Robert, a senior at Marist College. She is an avid supporter of several philanthropic organizations including the American Cancer Society and TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Center where she has worked to raise awareness, and guide fundraising efforts that have exceeded expectations. Pat serves on the Advisory Board for the Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University and was previously a board member of the American Heart Association.