Evidence Update: The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients

Physical exercise is considered an effective means to help prevent osteoporosis and to increase bone strength in osteoporotic individuals. Breast cancer treatments, medications and surgery have a considerable impact on bone health, and patients may experience a loss of ovarian function, or if premenopausal before cancer treatment, may go through menopause earlier. The research supports that a combined aerobic and resistance training improves bone health in female cancer survivors. The authors in the 2019 article “The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients” reported the most appropriate features of an exercise program for increasing bone density in osteoporotic patients. The first type of exercise that is effective for individuals with osteoporosis is weight-bearing aerobic exercises which include walking, stair climbing, and Tai Chi. The second type of exercise is strength and resistance exercises which can be performed with weights/resistive bands or swimming. Multicomponent exercises were also reviewed and deemed appropriate for the patient population. Multicomponent exercises consist of a combination of different methods including aerobics, strengthening, balance, dancing and progressive resistance. For the multicomponent exercise to be effective, the exercise must contain a proportion of strength and resistance training. Determining an appropriate and safe exercise program that helps to build strength, improve balance and posture and maintain bone mass is important to help minimize the risk of falling and fracture. Benedetti MG, Furlini G, Zati A, & Letizia Mauro G. (2018). The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients. Biomed Res Int. Daly, RM., Dalla Via, J., Duckham, RL., Fraser, SF., Helge, EW. (2019). Exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: an evidence-based guide to the optimal prescription. Braz J Phys Ther, 2019 Mar – Apr;23(2):170-180. https://www.bones.nih.gov/health-info/bone/osteoporosis/conditions-behaviors/osteoporosis-breast-cancer https://journals.lww.com/cancernursingonline/Citation/2019/03000/Changes_in_Bone_Mineral_Density_in_Women_With.9.aspx
Evidence Update: Benefits of Physical Activity

To be physically active or not to be physically active? For the cancer patient or survivor this can be a recurring question. The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests that adults receive 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity each week. But what can the cancer patient or survivor expect from engaging in moderate to vigorous activity? Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund published research on the benefits of exercise for cancer survivors and those currently in treatment. Through their studies they determined that exercising during or after treatment can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and increase bone mineral density. They also determined that those who were currently receiving treatment experienced fewer side effects from treatment, less nausea and improved quality of sleep. Since engaging in physical activity has been shown to boost the immune system, those individuals who are exercising regularly lower their risk of cancer recurrence. The effects of exercise do not stop at physical benefits. According to the same research by Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund those who choose to exercise can also receive mental and emotional benefits. During their research they discovered those who exercise during and after treatment reported improved emotional well-being, increased quality of life, less anxiety and improved memory. You may be asking, what does the research say about survival after diagnosis? In 2005, a study titled Physical Activity and Survival After Breast Cancer Diagnosis was published by the American Medical Association. During the study, researchers observed 2987 female breast cancer survivors between the years of 1984 until 2002. From their findings the researchers suggest that physical activity after breast cancer diagnosis may reduce the risk of death from the disease. During their study it was found that the greatest benefit was seen in women who performed 3 to 5 hours of walking per week at an average pace. As you can see the benefits of exercise are endless. If you wish to know more about exercise, specifically Walking, join TurningPoint on June 19th at Abernathy Greenway for a walk and learn style class. Online guidelines. (2012). Nutrition and physical activity guidelines for cancer survivors. CA Cancer J Clin, 62:242-274. Holmes, M. D., Chen, W. Y., Feskanich, D., Kroenke, C., & Colditz, G. (2005). Physical Activity and Survival After Breast Cancer Diagnosis. American Medical Association, 2479-2486. Wharton, M. (2015). The Benefits of Exercise After Getting Diagnosed with Cancer. Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund, 1-4.
Evidence Update: Osteoporosis and Breast Cancer

Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a condition characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to bone fragility and an increased risk of fractures. According to the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, the number of adults 50 years and older with osteoporosis or low bone mass will increase by 17.2 million (32%) from 2010 to 2030. Women comprise 80% of Americans diagnosed with osteoporosis. Women have a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis as they typically have smaller, thinner bones than men and lose bone density faster due to the changes with menopause. Breast cancer treatments, medications, and surgery have a considerable impact on bone health, and patients may experience a loss of ovarian function, or may go through menopause earlier. Fortunately, there are ways to combat breast cancer related bone loss. A recent study published by the Osteoporosis International Journal, assessed the effects of resistance training on improving bone health and body composition in prematurely menopausal breast cancer survivors. The results revealed that impact and resistance training effectively combat bone loss and worsening body composition in premature menopause in breast cancer survivors. In addition to exercise, pharmacologic intervention (prescription medicines) can be used as a means to effectively manage osteoporosis and osteopenia (weak bones) in breast cancer survivors. Winters-Stone, K.M., Dobek, J., Nail, M., Bennett, J.A., Leo, M. C., Torgrimson-Ojerio, B., Luoh, S.W., Schwartz, A. (2013). Impact and resistance training improves bone health and body composition in prematurely menopausal breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Osteoporosis International; Vol 24.
Evidence Update: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is an intervention used by physical therapists to treat issues associated with musculoskeletal impairments and pain. The instruments/tools consist of many shapes, sizes and brands; such as foam rollers and spiny balls. The instruments can be used as a complimentary part of an effective treatment strategy during a rehabilitation program. The instruments are not meant to replace the therapist’s hands, but rather provide self-treatment of areas of targeted tissue to reduce symptoms associated with restrictions, tightness, pain and/or scarring. A systematic review in 2017 examined the effectiveness of using IASTM compared to other interventions on pain and function. The outcomes of the study showed an impact on increased blood flow, tissue mobility changes, an interruption of pain receptors and improvement in the tissues. M. Lambert, R Hitchcock, L Lavallee, E. Hayford, R. Morazzini, A Wallace; (2017) The effects of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization compared to other interventions on pain and function: a systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews Journal; Vol 22.