Patient Perspective: Vivian Diaz Espinosa

Words from Super Woman…. “You have cancer.” Those are three of the most frightening words anyone can hear. Me? What? No…I don’t get sick. I am Super Woman, I take care of everyone. My kids are so young, 10 and twin 6 year-olds. What if it spreads? After lots of MRI’s, scans and biopsies on my right breast, in addition to those on my left breast where the tumor was originally found, the right breast cleared. OK, good! On April 28, 2014, I underwent a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. The results of the pathology test showed 2 areas of cancer in the left breast and one in the right breast too! What can I say, I am a bit of an over-achiever. Thank God I stuck to my guns and had a double mastectomy, despite the fact that the variety of breast cancers I had were all Stage I and with very good prognoses. A few months after my surgery, I was referred by my doctor to TurningPoint for physical therapy. I had heard many good things about TurningPoint from my cousin, who had breast cancer a few years before, but it wasn’t until I experienced it for myself that I realized TurningPoint is more than just physical therapy; it’s mind, body and soul therapy, You meet and talk to many women with various forms of breast cancer–women who are patients and also women who work there. They get your pain. They understand your fears, and were able to explain so much to me, because many of them have been there. At one point I was feeling guilty… I felt guilty that my cancer was not as bad as others, yet I felt scared, and lost. What right did I have to feel like that? My physical therapist noticed that I was a little down, and asked what was wrong. My mouth betrayed me, and told her everything. She very firmly and lovingly told me “Don’t minimize your cancer. You have every right to feel scared and lost; everyone’s cancer journey is different, but just as scary.” I will never forget her words. TurningPoint did not just provide physical therapy, but a safe haven where I could share my feelings, ask all my crazy questions without any judgment, and learn how my body was healing. I am grateful for all the support these ladies have given me during that very vulnerable time. There really aren’t enough words to express how lucky I am to have found a new family at TurningPoint where even a super woman like me can feel totally comfortable leaving her cape at the door.
Evidence Update: Weight Training May Reduce Post-Treatment Decline in Function in Breast Cancer Patients

…Pick Up those Hand Weights! Studies have shown that breast cancer survivors may experience deterioration in their physical function after treatment has ended. In a recent paper, researchers compared the physical function at one year post-treatment in women who had been involved in a year-long weight training program, compared to survivors who had not. The original study included 295 breast cancer survivors who did not have metastatic breast cancer and showed that weight training is safe for breast cancer survivors and may even reduce their risk of developing lymphedema. Participants were randomly allocated to either twice-per-week slowly progressive strengthening/weight training or standard care that did not include weight training. In this recent paper, researchers did further analysis to examine the extent to which participants’ physical function deteriorated over the year. They found a significant reduction in the proportion of women who experienced reduction in physical function in the weight training group. Specifically, in the group that did weight training, 8% of the women experienced deterioration and in the usual care group 16% deteriorated in physical function. It appears that slowly progressive weight training may help to reduce the incidence of physical function deterioration among survivors of breast cancer. Future studies are needed to see if this is the case for other forms of exercise, such as brisk walking. In addition to reducing our risk of breast cancer recurrence and lymphedema, exercise may help breast cancer survivors avoid the deterioration in physical function that so many women experience. TurningPoint physical therapists can help you establish a regular exercise program that includes cardiovascular, weight training and flexibility components. Brown JC et al. Weight Lifting and Physical Function Among Survivors of Breast Cancer: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2015 May 11. pii: JCO.2014.57.7395. [Epub ahead of print]
Evidence Update: Chemobrain & Breast Cancer

…Not Your Imagination Cognitive impairment, often termed “chemobrain”, occurs in 10-40% of all cancer patients, and is an emerging target of cancer survivorship research. A recent study reviewed published studies to explore the impact of chemobrain on the quality of life of breast cancer survivors. The authors reviewed 457 papers, and found 7 studies that were relevant to breast cancer survivors and met their study requirements. Using a systematic approach, data from the 7 studies was extracted and then synthesized. The authors found that chemobrain, or mild cognitive impairment, is commonly reported by breast cancer survivors who receive chemotherapy. Women report chemobrain to be a struggle with short and long term memory, information processing speed, attention span, concentration and language skills. The experience may be compounded by fatigue, mood changes, change in hormonal or menopausal status and lack of social support. Breast cancer survivors describe chemobrain as frustrating, upsetting and frightening. Most report that the onset is during chemotherapy, and most reported that they continue to have issues after completion of treatment. Chemobrain affects all aspects of life, including roles at home and at work and in social situations. Breast cancer patients often found healthcare providers to be insensitive and they did not validate women’s experiences with chemobrain. Patients suggest that more support would have helped them recognize and prepare for cognitive changes. Instead, women were left to find their own strategies to help them cope with daily living and work function, including opting for healthy lifestyle, physical and mental activities, practical reminders, technology. Current research on women’s experiences with chemobrain provides consistent support that it is real, persistent and has detrimental impacts on quality of life. The authors conclude that a greater awareness of the effects of chemobrain with improved functional assessment and interventions is warranted. Having problems with chemobrain? Talk to our TurningPoint counselor to develop a plan to manage the impact of chemobrain on your life! Selamat, MH et al. Chemobrain experienced by breast cancer survivors: a meta-ethnography study investigating research and care implications. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 26;9(9):e108002. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108002. eCollection 2014.