Leah Green

Leah Green FamilyI first felt a lump in my left breast in October of 2013 at 41 years old. In February 2014 I was told that I had Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma—the big “C” word no one wants to hear.  Nine agonizing weeks after my diagnosis and after forming the best team of doctors for me, I was wheeled into the OR at Northside Hospital for both a bilateral mastectomy and part one of the reconstruction surgery. In May, 2014 my

Oncologist explained that an Oncotype DX test came back showing a high probability of the breast cancer returning.  I started a 12-week round of chemo on June 5th to take care of any lingering cancer cells.

I was told it would take 6-weeks to recover from my surgery with the first 2 weeks being the roughest part.  I started physical therapy at TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation three weeks post-surgery.  Having a full time job, an active family and 9-year old at home, I was very anxious to be able to move my arms and body again.  My appointments at TurningPoint are now some of my favorite days of the week.   The compassion and total understanding of my circumstance that I receive from my therapists are not only helping me with my pain but also making me a stronger woman.   I have been fortunate to meet others going through their own cancer journeys in the waiting room… a sisterhood of strangers I will never forget.  Everyone on the staff has welcomed me and remembered my name.  I have worked hard at home and recently have been able to participate in a weekly Pilate’s class TurningPoint offers as a complimentary service to its clients.
It is hard to believe that it has only been a little over 4 months since my surgery.  I cannot thank TurningPoint enough for welcoming me into their family, listening to me when times are tough, and training me to be the strongest I can be today.  I still have hurdles to overcome but I have watched what my body can do over this time and know that I will be stronger on the other side of all of this.   I am blessed with good friends and family who have rallied around me and I am looking forward to a full recovery. Although I was initially shocked about my diagnosis I know that I will keep my head high and put all my trust in God.  I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason and if my journey can help just one person then a pivotal purpose has been served.

Winston Churchill said that “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”…with that I cheer, look high, and look forward with the most positive attitude which can hopefully be encouragement to others.