Patient Perspective: BJ

Hi my name is Betty Jane (BJ) and I live in Marietta, GA. In March of 2015 I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer. Since everyone in my immediate family has had cancer, I decided to have a double mastectomy. After my operation, I was told by my surgeon and oncologist that I needed physical therapy and they recommended TurningPoint. Initially, I thought TurningPoint was just physical therapy, but as I was going through the program, I found out that TurningPoint was so much more – a place that understood what I had gone through emotionally, as well as physically. My experience was so positive that I asked how I can give back to TurningPoint. They recommended that I volunteer on the Auction Committee because my previous background was in Sales. I have served on the Auction Committee for four years and made friendships with other people who also share my passion for TurningPoint. As I’ve done this, I’ve learned that they have a financial assistance program for uninsured and underinsured patients. This showed me how important it is to raise money for TurningPoint. For my birthday this year, I decided to have my friends donate to TurningPoint in lieu of presents. In a two-week period, I raised $2,200 by setting up a donation page on Facebook. Now I’m on a mission to support TurningPoint by encouraging my friends to attend The Pink Affair and to help the Auction Committee by getting experiences/trips/adventures donated for the live auction. TurningPoint is always on my radar to spread the word to women that have had and are going through breast cancer. The organization is much more than physical therapy, it’s an emotional and physical safe haven.

Patient Perspective: Delphyne

… Only problem was the breast removal had left her with a pretty bad case of lymphatic cording and limited mobility of her right arm. As luck would have it, someone told me about TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation, a Sandy Springs nonprofit that provides clinical and evidence-based rehabilitation for women with breast cancer, including physical therapy, massage therapy, and counseling. “They were fantastic. They really helped with the healing process and movement of my right arm.” Read all of Delphyne’s story from the AJC.

Patient Perspective: Dianne

This past summer I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive breast cancer.   It was a shock to me and my family.  But my two daughters and my husband were with me every step of the way – from deciding on a surgeon, lumpectomy surgery, and three weeks of radiation. I love to garden, and am busy with Master Gardener activities as well as my own garden.  I also volunteer at Autrey Mill Nature Preserve and attend exercise classes at the YMCA.  I did have to take a break for a while after surgery, but three months later I am back to all my activities. Besides my excellent doctors and supportive family and friends, TurningPoint has been a critical factor in my recovery.  Not only were my two outstanding therapists instrumental in my physical healing, I realize now that going to TurningPoint was when my emotional healing began.  I am deeply grateful for TurningPoint’s role in my journey back to health.

Patient Perspective: Marlene

I was shocked when I learned about my mammogram results and thought ‘why me?’ and ‘how do I tell my kids?’  My husband was so supportive and we were all scared. We took it one day at a time, because making all the treatment decisions was the hardest part of the cancer journey and I didn’t want to second guess myself. We had so many people praying and doing daily devotions and all the prayers were a huge help to me. Once I determined what was best for me, I prayed for peace and moved forward with each part of my treatment. After surgery, I had left arm and breast numbness which was a very odd feeling and physical therapy was recommended. My radiation did leave me fatigued and in time that got better. TurningPoint was so helpful to me in building my upper body strength, range of motion and helping with improving my arm numbness. I had heard about TurningPoint before, but my family and I had not fully appreciated the unique Physical Therapy model followed by TurningPoint until I was a patient. As I improved, I was able to do more overtime and get back to the things I liked to do. The model is so critical to a patient’s recovery and it was the best experience in all of the treatments I underwent.  I’ve talked to many women with breast cancer and TurningPoint’s approach is not widely adopted in other areas of the country, which is so unfortunate for other patients.  My personal mission is to help raise awareness of TurningPoint and support the organization and their patients as they move through their treatment journeys. My husband and I have been married for 24 years and we have a son in college who is 20 and a daughter who is 14 and in high school.  I enjoy scrapbooking and playing golf.  Prior to my diagnosis, I was in an executive marketing role at a health care company.