Women with breast cancer suffer from considerable stress related to diagnosis, surgery, and medical treatment. Cancer patients are increasingly turning to complementary and alternative medicine therapies to reduce symptoms, improve quality of life, and boost their ability to cope with stress. Research in art therapy has shown outcomes such as an increase in self-esteem, improvement in global health, and a decrease in anxiety and depression, https://xanaxtreatanxiety.com. Different types of art interventions have been used to alleviate symptoms and treat the adverse effects in women who were diagnosed with breast cancer. A recent systematic review evaluated the benefits of art therapies on depression and quality of life in breast cancer patients. Thirteen trials with a total of 606 patients were included in the review. Arts therapies were comprised of music therapy interventions, various types of art therapy, and dance/movement therapies. Results suggest that arts therapies seem to have a positive effect on decreasing a patient’s anxiety.

Another randomized control trial published in 2006 in the Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care evaluated the effects of art therapy on improving coping resources among young breast cancer patients. The study evaluated 41 women, aged 37–69 years old, with nonmetastatic primary breast cancer, who were referred for postoperative radiotherapy. Each participant was randomized to a study group with individual art therapy for 1 hour/week during postoperative radiotherapy or to a control group. The results revealed an overall increase in coping resources among women with breast cancer after taking part in the art therapy intervention.

Katja Boehm, Holger Cramer, Thomas Staroszynski, and Thomas Ostermann. “Arts therapies for anxiety, depression, and quality of life in breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM vol. 2014 (2014): 10329

Öster, I., Svenska, A., Magnusson, E., Thyme, K., Sjõdin, M., Åström, S., & Lindh, J. Art therapy improves coping resources: A randomized, controlled study among women with breast cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care, 4(1), 57-64. (2006)