Pre-Op Appointments: One piece of the puzzle

TurningPoint offers pre-operative appointments to teach immediate post-operative posture and breathing exercises, establish baseline measures and address expectations of the post-operative period. Contact us and discover how we can help fill your needs with compassionate care. Would you like to schedule a Pre-Op appointment? Send us an email and let us know your name and phone number and we will be in touch.
TeleRehab: One piece of the puzzle

Due to the common immunosuppression of our patients coupled with the “Shelter in Place” order, TeleRehab is the optimum solution for breast cancer survivors in need of rehabilitation. After pilot testing evaluations and treatments, TurningPoint is confident in translating our clinical skills into TeleRehab. We have been treating people with success via TeleRehab since the end of March 2020. All you need is a device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) that has a camera and audio. We can contact your physician for your referral. We are also able to treat any patient in Georgia (and in a few other states as well). TurningPoint is currently working on a project to reach rural Georgia. TeleRehab allows us to reach more people since there is not a need to come into the clinic. If you know of any breast cancer patients (regardless of state) who can benefit from TeleRehab, please have them reach out to us HERE or call our office at 770-360-9271.
Physical Activity: One piece of the puzzle

Research has shown that breast cancer survivors who exercise have a 40% decreased chance of a recurrence. It has also shown that it reduces Cancer Related Fatigue. To help YOU be in the group of low recurrence, and lower your fatigue, TurningPoint offers virtual physical activities designed for breast cancer survivors. While these workouts are designed for the specific needs of people with breast cancer, the exercises can help reduce fatigue in people with any type of cancer. Therefore, please share with your connections that may benefit from this. Online Exercises on Facebook and YouTube: Try out a short ‘Exercise Snack’ for you to do throughout the day. Or check out ‘Work It Out Wednesdays’, featuring a new 30 minute workout each week by our therapists Mallory, Allison and Janae. Other Resources in our Community Join My Style Matters sisterhood support group – My Breast Years Ahead, for a 30minVirtual Walk, weekdays at 6pm EST. Click to learn more and join.
Strides for Survivors: T-Shirts Available

The 4th Annual Strides for Survivors Walk, held February 1, 2020, was a huge success. Team Scalise (3 daughters who organize the event in honor of their mother, Stephanie Scalise) did an outstanding job of fundraising for TurningPoint. A record 250+ walkers registered to help raise over $9,000.00 to date. If you would like to support TurningPoint and/or missed out on the walk this year, you can purchase one of the extra T-shirts and/or Tanks for $15 each, (available in multiple sizes) Contact [email protected] Strides holds other TurningPoint fundraising activites year-round. You can follow on instagram: stridesforsurvivors