Journaling can be a powerful tool to improve quality of life, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress among breast cancer patients. A recent research study had a group of women with breast cancer write about their breast cancer journey.  The study revealed 3 common themes in these women’s experience: writing as process, writing as therapeutic, and writing as a means to help others. Writing gives us a way to tell our story by reflecting on experiences, choices, and obstacles we have overcome.  The research also points out that at times our writing is for ourselves, but it can also be an avenue to help others if we so desire.  This study also found expressive writing to be a venue for releasing cognitive, relational, and emotional strains.  Instead of holding these stressors inside of our bodies, writing provides us a way to let go of the stress and have it reside in text, allowing us to heal and move forward.  Oftentimes when writing, these women viewed parts of their story and their emotions differently, allowing them to process and heal in a new manner.  Join us at this month’s community education event to have a time to journal and learn how to easily make journaling part of your journey.

Gripsrud et al. Capturing the Experience: Reflections of Women With Breast Cancer Engaged in an Expressive Writing Intervention. Cancer Nursing. 2016 July; 39(4): E51-E60.