Evidence Update: Update on GA Tech Research at TurningPoint

LymphaTech Research Update Georgia Tech has been partnering with TurningPoint for a little over a year to research and develop a new low-cost, high-accuracy lymphedema measurement and monitoring tool using the Microsoft XBOX Kinect. To date, we have scanned over 120 TurningPoint patients, and the results we have collected so far are looking very promising. […]

Patient Perspective: Peggy

September 2015 started out just like any other month. That was until I noticed some skin changes and saw my doctor. He sent me to have a mammogram and biopsies to discover what was happening. When I heard the words “you have cancer” it turned my world upside down. How would I tell my family? […]

March is National Nutrition Month®

Q:  What is special about National Nutrition Month®? A:  “Put Your Best Fork Forward”! National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education campaign created every year in March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March we focus on the importance of making informed food choices. “Put Your Best Fork Forward” is […]

Patient Perspective: Anne Marie

As soon as I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May, 2016, I started keeping a medical journal. I honestly must say that the weeks following the diagnosis were some of the most stressful in my life. The medical journal helped me focus and gave me a sense of structure in my world, which seemed […]