Patient Perspective: Alana Ramirez

Patient Perspective: Alana Ramirez My cancer journey started in October of 2015 when I heard the words no one wants or expects to hear.  After my yearly mammogram, I was called back for a second set of pictures followed by a Core Biopsy confirming DCIS in my right breast. The Radiology Doctor reviewed the pathology report with us explaining DCIS, procedure options for removal and provided a surgeon referral.  I was beyond stunned at the diagnosis, but my husband remained strong and supportive saying we will get you better! Over the following weeks we spent time researching/learning about DCIS, interviewing surgeons for options, having an MRI and genetic testing. We prepared to the best of our ability to make the right decisions for my treatment and were thankful for the early detection. The surgery on December 22, 2015 was incredibly successful.  I was released from the hospital 48 hours later on Christmas Eve cancer free, truly the best gift I had ever received. At the surgeon post op appointment six days after my surgery, the pathology report confirmed DCIS and no other invasive cancer.  Both lymph nodes were clear which meant no need for chemotherapy or radiation. The relief and joy from the positive results cannot be expressed in words. My surgeon felt it was prudent to take two proactive measures for risk mitigation in my treatment plan.  First was to schedule a consultant with the Oncologist, and second was to contact TurningPoint for Physical Therapy. He said “Patients love TurningPoint so much they never want to leave.” He was spot on! January 6th, 2016, fifteen days after my surgery I had my first appointment at TurningPoint. In mid-January my Plastic Surgeon was impressed with my ability to use my core and arms with ease. The TurningPoint experience was WOW and continues to be WOW months later.  I consider the TurningPoint staff an integral and long term part of my medical team. TurningPoint provides me support and inspiration to take back my active life.  Thank you TurningPoint!

Patient Perspective: Hani Levy

My Breast Cancer Journey I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 38 years old. I felt a lump in my breast, but as a mother of 2 girls it was difficult to go to the doctor. I started to feel bad and lose weight. At my ob/gyn appointment I mentioned my symptoms and the lump I felt in my breast. My doctor sent me for lab tests and mammography. I remember feeling that something was wrong and then I got a phone call a few days later from my doctor. My husband and I could not believe that I had breast cancer! I had no family history and I maintain a healthy life style. It was hard to accept. I had so many plans, I passed the CLEP (college credit) test and I was going to study for the NPTE (Physical Therapy) exam. Most importantly I wanted another child. We make plans and God has his own plans for us. I had to put all my plans on hold for at least a year. I came to TurningPoint after my lumpectomy. My friend Claire is a former patient and told me about the clinic. I felt bad both physically and emotionally, I could not pick up my girls and was about to start chemotherapy. TurningPoint was there for me. The whole staff supported me and my goals. Everyone gave me good advice on how to cope with my situation. I started to go to the Pilates group which is also my support group. Lauren and Anita are like two angels, always there to show me I can do it and even if I can’t that it’s not the end of the world. This group of women is amazing! They gave me strength and reminded me of who I am. The journey did not end when I finished chemotherapy and radiation. This is a journey I will take the rest of my life, and TurningPoint is helping me make this journey! I am so grateful to Claire who introduced me to TurningPoint. The whole staff is always there to give hugs or the advice that I need.

Patient Perspective: Monica Jones

I would like to thank TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation for their great services and facility. I am a two time breast cancer survivor. I came to TurningPoint hoping that with their care I would not have to endure additional surgeries due to tight and painful scar tissue that rendered me almost helpless. My first visit with the TurningPoint staff let me know I would finally get the treatment that I so desperately needed. Prior to TP, I had been to several other PT clinics through the years with only minimal relief and was left with a great deal of pain. My breast surgeon and reconstruction doctors recommended TurningPoint some time ago.   At the time I was too sick from chemo and did not want to drive across town. I should have followed that advice because TurningPoint is worth the drive. Since my first appointment at TurningPoint I have received extraordinary care from the entire team. My physical therapy team, Lauren and Anita, made me feel like I am their top priority.   First impressions are everything. From the point of contact via the appointment scheduling to walking into the tranquil office, I felt genuine concern for me and my needs. It starts with a warm smile and greeting from the front desk and office staff regarding my concerns. Everyone is polite and patients are treated with integrity no matter what demographic background. At my first appointment I was worried about the routine exam because I was in so much pain. My therapist, Lauren, assured me I was in good hands and helped me to relax and gain her trust. I can truly say I received some relief from the constant pain and am on the road to feeling better. I have been provided the tools I need to keep making strides in hope for a full recovery. I have begun going to the gym for water exercise classes! I would recommend TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation to all survivors looking for a great support team as well as an exceptional physical therapy clinic. I only wish they had an office on my side of town! Monica Jones

Patient Perspective: Cassandra Wilson

Why me? How? I’m too young! These were the thoughts going through my mind. I had just met a wonderful young lady, a two time cancer survivor, in September 2014, at a radio station engagement who was speaking on cancer and early detection. So she had me thinking, and I decided to check for lumps. I found a lump in my breast almost 2 weeks later, I didn’t want to think the worst so I put it off. Near the beginning of October the lump was still there, so I began to research information on free mammograms because I didn’t have health insurance. I called around and checked into many programs. No one would assist me because they said I was “too young”. I noticed my lump began to get larger. I started a new job and was able to obtain health insurance. In November 2014 I was finally able to see a doctor. My doctor was very concerned about the lump and immediately sent me for a mammogram. For the next 45 days I went through a number of tests and biopsies. On December 24, 2014, I went in and the doctor said “Mrs. Wilson, you have breast cancer.” I thought what a Christmas gift, to be told you have breast cancer. I had just started a new career, things were just starting to work out for our family. Financially, things had finally got back on track and I was so excited. I thought to myself, NO! My doctor had told me that I had Stage lll cancer and the tumor had grown very large. I was told I needed to start chemotherapy immediately, with a mastectomy and radiation following. At this point so many emotions ran through my mind, I was completely devastated. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel. I became numb; I had lost hope, and faith. BUT, I heard a strong voice say you are more than a conqueror, you are a fighter, and I am with you. It was God. He hadn’t given up on me; I gave up on him. Through 16 rounds of chemo, a mastectomy, and 28 rounds of radiation, I am proud to say I am STANDING. Through the help and assistance of TurningPoint I am getting range of motion back in my left arm. I am starting to exercise and stretch. TurningPoint offers financial assistance for their programs, which is a blessing. Without this amazing organization and the wonderful services they offer, I don’t know where I would be. I’m glad to say that I made it through, with prayer, hope, faith, and family. I am here today thanking God and giving him all Glory for my total healing.