Patient Perspective: Jodie

I was diagnosed in Jan. 2017, with breast cancer in both breasts.  I had a double mastectomy in February and then an axillary node dissection which removed all my lymph nodes on the right side.  I had 16 rounds of chemo and 32 rounds of radiation.  I first started going to TurningPoint after my surgeries, because I could barely lift my arms over my head.  They were amazing and got me back to where I could reach into my top cabinets again and could start lifting light weights. I went back to TurningPoint after my radiation was complete because my right side was so stiff.  The radiation treatment really inhibited my right side and I was again unable to lift my right arm over my head, and I was in a lot of pain.  Once again TurningPoint got me back to a sense of normalcy.  I am now able to fully reach over my head, and I’ve started lifting weights again.  The pain in my arm and shoulder has almost completely gone.  I still go to TurningPoint about once a month to work on my range of motion.  I really don’t know where I would be without them!  When I think back to how stiff and tight I was after the surgery and then radiation, it’s amazing the difference!  I’m truly grateful for them.

Patient Perspective: Jody

In January of 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was fortunate in that my cancer was caught early, but there were still decisions to be made and treatments to be selected. With all the information and guidance I was given by my doctors during the diagnosis period, leading up to surgery, and post-op follow up visits with doctors, I had no information about what life would be like after breast cancer. More importantly, I had no idea how to get myself back to the active and independent woman I was prior to my diagnosis. About three months after finding out that I had breast cancer I was given the diagnosis of cording, and that is when I was referred to TurningPoint for physical therapy. With everything there was to worry about with a breast cancer diagnosis, it had never entered my mind that I could wind up with such a limited range of motion that it would negatively impact my life. At TurningPoint, the physical therapists have a comprehensive understanding of the issues that are specific to breast cancer, breast cancer surgeries, and breast cancer treatments. I left my first physical therapy session feeling relieved, encouraged, and confident that I could get back to functioning as I did prior to breast cancer. My physical therapist sent me home that first day with a stretching program that she revised weekly as my range of motion increased. Every therapy session made a positive impact on my condition, and I saw myself improving daily as I continued to work on my home program. Now that I am three and a half years cancer free, TurningPoint is still a big part of my life. My favorite thing about TurningPoint now is the Wednesday morning Pilates Class that I have been participating in for the past 3 years. Pilates has become the core of my personal wellness program. It is my one hour a week when I do something good for myself, led by an instructor who knows exactly what I need to focus on, with a group of women who have walked parallel journeys to mine. TurningPoint Pilates is exercise, therapy, compassion, and camaraderie.  Our instructor tailors the class to breast cancer survivors, but she also advises, educates, and facilitates discussions, adding an educational component to our weekly class. At 60 years old, I am stronger, more flexible, and more knowledgeable about wellness than I have ever been. TurningPoint has been invaluable not only to my recovery, but to my maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Patient Perspective: Janet

At the age of 52, after the passing of my sister from ovarian cancer and the high incidence of other family cancers, I opted to have preventative bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction. As part of my recovery, I found TurningPoint. I was welcomed by the entire TP staff who treated me like a true friend as they provided physical therapy and compassion, helping me get back to my ‘normal’ after the mastectomy and reconstructive breast surgeries. Two years later at age 54, imagine my shock when I discovered a lump under my right arm. Biopsy results showed that it was breast cancer, stage 3a. I had to have more surgeries, chemo, radiation, and 49 lymph nodes removed. I was left with daily pain, tenderness, the risk of lymphedema, lack of motion and neuropathy causing bad balance. But the worse part was the intense discouragement and sadness I felt after being so proactive with my health. This time, I had to work even harder to regain my ‘normal’ so I could enjoy an active life with my loving and supportive family (husband Randy, daughter Erica, age 22 and son Sean, age 20) and the activities I enjoy the most: walking, hiking, gardening and cooking. I returned to my TurningPoint ‘family’, who were an essential part of my recovery. I was relieved to see the welcoming smiles and again feel the compassion of the entire staff. My TP ‘family’ provided me with strong encouragement and hope, smiles and friendship and so much more. They provided targeted and knowledgeable physical therapy, lymph massage and techniques to help me heal and return to my normal life and the activities that I treasure most. The TurningPoint staff members are among my most treasured friends!  I strongly recommend TurningPoint to all people going through the side effects of breast cancer treatment.

Patient Perspective: Laura

In April 2016, five months after receiving a clear mammogram, I found a lump in my right breast. I tried to dismiss it and decided I would wait until it was again time to have my annual mammogram. However, a nagging instinct transported me to my gynecologist who immediately referred me to a breast surgeon. Within days, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. The cancer had already reached my lymph nodes. After 8 rounds of chemotherapy, losing my hair, bilateral mastectomies, 27 rounds of radiation, and a complete hysterectomy, I was declared to be in remission. I was officially a “survivor”. I was thrilled to be finished with my major surgeries and treatment but, at the same time, I needed a hand to hold as I re-entered the world, post-treatment. The team at TurningPoint helped me navigate my new normal and gently taught me strategies to regain and maintain the range of motion in my arms and to strengthen my core. I re-discovered a love of walking and yoga which have been integral parts of my recovery. Time and again, I have returned to TurningPoint for follow up care and massage therapy. TurningPoint has been so much more than rehabilitative care. They truly are comrades in recovery.