Patient Perspective: Celia

Four years ago, I was watching an NFL game in October. Being in the marketing field, I mentioned to my husband how remarkable it is that Breast Cancer Awareness had grown into such a movement that even football players wear pink. A week later I felt a lump in my right breast. Because of all […]

Patient Perspective: Mary Lynn

I received my original diagnosis on June 23, 2016 after having my annual mammogram and ultrasound. In mid-January of this year, I had my third breast cancer surgery (lumpectomy, mastectomy (left breast) and reconstruction (both breasts). I was anxious to get back to a “new normal” routine. Unfortunately, two weeks after the reconstruction surgery, I […]

Evidence Update: New Food Labels for 2018

On May 20, 2016, the FDA announced that there will be a new Nutrition Facts label for packaged foods. This new label will reflect new scientific information, including the link between diet and chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease. The intent of the new label is to make it easier for consumers to […]

Patient Perspective: Jean

I know what you’re saying – – – what was she thinking??? It was inevitable that I was going to lose my hair so I decided to have a little fun with it and a hot pink Mohawk for my three granddaughters was just what the doctor ordered. They said they had the “Coolest” Grandma […]