Patient Perspective: Jeanette

I was diagnosed in February 2016 at age 64 with a triple negative, metaplastic carcinoma in my left breast. My children were terrified and my motto became “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass . . . it’s about learning to dance in the rain” (Vivian Green). A tremendous support system, my faith, […]

Hydration: Keep it up during hot summer months!

As we’re rolling into the Dog Days of summer, we need to remember to keep hydrated. Not everyone needs the same amount of fluid each day. Fluid requirements are based on your individual weight. There are many ways to calculate how much fluid you require, but the fastest and easiest method is to take your […]

Patient Perspective: Shirlene

As a high school principal, I loved every minute I walked in the school to support teachers and students. I am now retired and assist my daughter and her husband a few days a week with their business. I am an avid reader and love to travel and entertain. Being diagnosed with breast cancer has […]

Patient Perspective: Shannon

As the Registered Nurse in the family, I was the one that took care of my family and friends by phone or in person. I was studying and preparing for the Certified Diabetes Educator Certification Exam. My stress releaser from studying for my exam was Spin and Step classes. My favorite pastime was relaxation baths. […]