Patient Perspective: Celia

Four years ago, I was watching an NFL game in October. Being in the marketing field, I mentioned to my husband how remarkable it is that Breast Cancer Awareness had grown into such a movement that even football players wear pink. A week later I felt a lump in my right breast. Because of all the Breast Cancer campaigning happening, a little voice told me that I should have this checked out. It was probably a cyst, I thought. I was only 41… It turned out to be Stage 2 and I had the option of a lumpectomy or a mastectomy. I chose a bilateral mastectomy so I wouldn’t have to live with the fear of the cancer returning. After 5 grueling months of treatment, I was cancer free! I had a Pink Party and celebrated with my family and friends. I thought I could just pick up my life where I left off. Two years later, I was in the midst of divorcing, starting a new life and looking forward to a new journey when a routine exam found a rogue lymph node. Here we go again… surgery, chemo and this time radiation for good measure. That’s where TurningPoint came into my life. My oncologist recommended physical therapy in advance of radiation as a preventative treatment to counteract any potential side effects. My PT’s weren’t just my “physical” therapists, they were like real therapists! They made me feel comfortable, made me laugh and made me look forward to coming to treatment every week! The entire staff at TurningPoint made me feel well cared for and welcome. TurningPoint is just that – a place where I made a choice to put myself and my health first, with the help of some extraordinary people. I am Grateful and Blessed for this experience.

Patient Perspective: Mary Lynn

I received my original diagnosis on June 23, 2016 after having my annual mammogram and ultrasound. In mid-January of this year, I had my third breast cancer surgery (lumpectomy, mastectomy (left breast) and reconstruction (both breasts). I was anxious to get back to a “new normal” routine. Unfortunately, two weeks after the reconstruction surgery, I had an emergency appendectomy. Before my surgeries, I was attending yoga classes 2-3 times a week, plus my home practice, and walking my 85-pound lab five mornings a week for about 2.5 miles. I work part-time as the administrative assistant at the preschool where I taught for many years. My husband Frank and I have one adult son. Frank retired several years ago, but started a new career in nursing after my diagnosis. (He did an outstanding job!) The love, encouragement, and support I received from my immediate family, my church and work families, and many friends and neighbors were incredible. My emotions and my body were on such a roller coaster. My faith and support groups helped get me through so much, but my physical well-being was shot. Although I was fortunate not to have radiation or chemotherapy, the four surgeries had certainly taken a toll. Both my breast and plastic surgeons had recommended TurningPoint. I began that part of my journey in March—and what a journey it has been! My physical therapists knew exactly what I was feeling, both emotionally and physically, and they knew how to help fix it. I looked forward to my session every week! In the beginning, when I was asked about my goals, my first one was to be able to walk my dog again. It’s been a long road, but I am now walking her again. Also, one year and one day later (June 24, 2017), my son and I participated in the Susan G. Komen 5K (I was a member of TurningPoint’s Team). I’ve started back to my yoga classes, attend TurningPoint’s Stretch & Strengthen class on Fridays and I’m trying Pilates on Wednesdays. (Pilates is hard and new to me, but my core is thanking me!) Although, my weekly physical therapy sessions are complete, TurningPoint continues to monitor and help me manage my lymphedema, giving me advice and encouragement all the way.  I can truly say the whole experience has been “my turning point”!

Patient Perspective: Jean

I know what you’re saying – – – what was she thinking??? It was inevitable that I was going to lose my hair so I decided to have a little fun with it and a hot pink Mohawk for my three granddaughters was just what the doctor ordered. They said they had the “Coolest” Grandma alive. I tried to keep this positive attitude throughout my chemo, radiation and surgery. My first visit to TurningPoint was an eye-opener. I did not have use of my arms and my attitude had begun to falter. TurningPoint took over and lifted me up! Breast cancer changed my life in so many ways. After going through the chemo, surgery and radiation I knew my mind and body would never be the same. That’s where TurningPoint changed my thinking and the way I felt about myself. I look forward to going to TurningPoint because they smile and call me by my first name when I walk in the door. My therapy team, Jyoti and Grayson, worked with me on my specific problem areas and now I have full use of my arms again. They gave me strength training and exercises to do at home which have worked tremendously. My attitude and thinking just got better and better as I went through the program. Now, my motto is this: A lot of women with breast cancer didn’t wake up this morning – but I did. And I thank God every day. In addition to my doctors, family and friends, TurningPoint has made a HUGE difference in my recovery – they gave me back my life.

Patient Perspective: Kathy

I am what you might call “a late bloomer,” having married for the first time only five years ago at age 62! I married a widower with two grown daughters and three grandchildren. I still work as a Christian Counselor/Therapist, and I enjoy reading, watching and discussing themes in films, and walking. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer it was a real blow. Even though it was only Stage One and I was able to have a successful lumpectomy with clear margins, I went on to suffer for several months with lymph fluid build-up under my right arm. I am right-handed, so the constant swelling, pain and an impingement in my shoulder really hampered my functioning. I was unable to lift with my right arm or even fasten my bra. I had radiation therapy and then a second surgery due to an unforeseen complication. I came across a flyer for TurningPoint and thought that I would try it at least once to see if I could get a bit more freedom of movement. The therapist at TurningPoint did soft tissue massage that really helped with the pain I was experiencing. Then she gave me exercises to do that allowed me to regain my freedom of motion little by little. From time to time I enjoyed a massage that targeted the hurting places in my back and shoulder, and once I sat with a TurningPoint counselor to talk about the impact that the cancer has had on me. All of this has been extremely beneficial, and today I am pain free and able to do everything that I once could do. Occasionally I have some numbness under my arm, and if I’m not careful to exercise I can get a bit stiff on my right side, but I am 100% better after the warm and loving care at TurningPoint. I recommend it to anyone who has breast cancer.