Patient-Volunteer-Board Member-Patient…Life is a circle

Two weeks ago, I was honored to be invited to join the Board of TurningPoint. It is my hope that as a Board Member I can supply creativity and energy to this wonderful non-profit organization that does so much to help women (and men) after breast cancer treatment.

We all arrive to TurningPoint with different perspectives. I arrived with the hope of being able to use my arm again after my mastectomy. What I got was so much more. Yes, I regained arm movement and my lymphedema improved. I thank TurningPoint out loud each time I reach for my morning coffee. But I got so much more. I was taken in by an organization that provided me with such loving care and such professional expertise mixed with kindness and genuine concern for my overall wellbeing, that even as I compose this, I am reduced to tears. I come across as a bubbly, upbeat, easy-going kind of gal. But the therapists magically knew about my act. They intuitively felt my silent depression and fears, and massaged both my arm and my emotional health simultaneously. I fell in love. I fell in love with this wonderful, caring place and became personally commanded to give back to them somehow.

I asked to join the acquisitions committee for auction items for the 2018 gala and was so inspired by the dedication of the Chair and the passion brought to each meeting. I asked to be on the Board, where my personal goals are many.

Two weeks ago, I fell and broke my wrist. As a result, I have lymphedema yet again. My surgeon suggested that I go to TurningPoint again for massage, massage, massage!!!

So here I am again, a Patient!!!! Tears stream from my eyes as I write. I am so very lucky to be able to know about TP as a solution to a new set of scary problems.

I am so thrilled to be a Board Member and I am excited about using my skills to make more and more people aware of this unique and life-saving organization.