Evidence Update: Benefits of Exercise During Radiation Treatment

Many breast cancer patients experience fatigue during and after radiation therapy. A recent meta-analysis combined the results of many studies that assessed the effect of exercise during radiation on fatigue and quality of life among breast cancer patients. The results of nine studies were combined to include a total of 738 participants. The results showed that exercise was effective at reducing fatigue, particularly combined aerobic and resistance exercise. The authors concluded that exercise during radiation can be considered beneficial in breast cancer patients. TurningPoint’s weekly Friday Stretch and Strengthen class is a great way to get started on the path to reducing fatigue and feeling better during and after your breast cancer treatment! Lipsett A et al. The impact of exercise during adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer on fatigue and quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast. 2017. 8;32:144-155.
Evidence Update: Update on GA Tech Research at TurningPoint

LymphaTech Research Update Georgia Tech has been partnering with TurningPoint for a little over a year to research and develop a new low-cost, high-accuracy lymphedema measurement and monitoring tool using the Microsoft XBOX Kinect. To date, we have scanned over 120 TurningPoint patients, and the results we have collected so far are looking very promising. The LymphaTech volume and circumference measurements correlate well with those of the Perometer and support the use of modern 3D scanning technology for quantifying and tracking limb geometries. We are currently using the patient data collected from TurningPoint to build and refine the mathematical models and algorithms that will be used to compute the relevant clinical measurements. Our initial goal is to collect a data set of 200 patients to finalize the first version of the model, so we are well over half-way done! Excitingly, the work we have done thus far at TurningPoint has allowed us to apply for additional grants to expand the scope of our testing and the breadth of our applications. We have been able to increase the study to three additional clinical sites for patient testing, including the AVON Breast Center at Grady Memorial Hospital. We were also recently recruited to use the LymphaTech system as part of a Global Task Force and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project to treat and monitor lymphedema in developing countries worldwide. The research we have performed at TurningPoint has contributed to cutting-edge advances in the standard of lymphedema care and is making a global impact! Mike Weiler, Ph.D. Co-Founder and CEO, LymphaTec hational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow Georgia Institute of Technology
Evidence Update: Therapeutic Benefits of Massage during Chemotherapy

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage during Chemotherapy Patients with cancer commonly experience disease or treatment side effects, including pain, fatigue, nausea, and anxiety. An expanding body of literature supports the use of therapeutic massage as an adjunct to conventional therapies to manage these side effects. A recent research study examined cancer patients’ perceptions of pain, fatigue, nausea, and anxiety provided during chemotherapy. The study included 58 patients who were receiving chemotherapy and/or biotherapy. Patients had a choice of a 20-minute hand and/or foot massage by a licensed massage therapist while they received chemotherapy. There was a statistically significant reduction in each of the following variables: pain, fatigue, nausea, and anxiety following massage. Results demonstrated a high level of satisfaction with therapeutic massage as part of their care. In order to be controlled for bias, further research should include comparison to a control group that did not receive the massage. This study, however, contributes to the building body of research that documents the benefits of massage for cancer patients, during and after treatment. Robinson JG. Therapeutic Massage During Chemotherapy and/or Biotherapy Infusions: Patient Perceptions of Pain, Fatigue, Nausea, Anxiety, and Satisfaction. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2016 Apr;20(2):E34-40.
Evidence Update: Financial Burden of Breast Cancer

The Financial Burden of Breast Cancer A recent study examined the financial impact of lymphedema following a diagnosis of breast cancer. Researchers in Australia surveyed 361 women who had either breast cancer without lymphedema (209 patients) or breast cancer with lymphedema (152 patients). The results showed that both breast cancer and lymphedema result in significant out-of-pocket financial costs borne by women during and after treatment. For breast cancer patients with lymphedema, 80% indicated that their breast cancer diagnosis had affected them financially compared with 67% of patients without lymphedema. For patients with lymphedema, 56% indicated that lymphedema affected them financially and that costs increased with lymphedema severity. The cost of compression garments formed a large proportion of these costs, as well as attendance at physical therapy and treatment of cellulitis in patients with more significant lymphedema. Researchers noted the significant knowledge gap regarding the additional impact of lymphedema on breast cancer survivors. While this study was conducted in Australia, it applies equally to breast cancer patients in the United States. Insurance often does not cover compression garments and patients face significant out-of-pocket costs for therapy to treat lymphedema. The cost for management goes up when lymphedema is more significant. The education and surveillance for early detection offered to all our patients by TurningPoint helps maintain lymphedema, when it occurs, at as low a level as possible. This reduces the physical, emotional and financial impact of the condition. TurningPoint also reduces barriers to lymphedema care by providing financial assistance for treatment and garments for patients in financial need. Boyages J et al. Financial cost of lymphedema borne by women with breast cancer. Psycho-oncology. 2016 Aug 1. doi: 10.1002/pon.4239. [Epub ahead of print] Â