Evidence Update: The Wonders of Cauliflower

Does cauliflower have any nutritional benefit? I see it used in so many recipes these days I was wondering if I should avoid it because it’s white? Rice, mashed “potatoes”, pizza crust: what do they all have in common? The Answer: Cauliflower. Yes, I said cauliflower, that peculiar looking white vegetable that keeps sneaking its way into our favorite traditional recipes. The cauliflower craze is upon us, and it’s one craze that will do our bodies well. Cauliflower has a laundry list of health benefits, and for those who need to cut back on carbs, it seems to have the ability to disguise itself in high carb foods like mashed potatoes, rice, and pizza crust without compromising flavor. Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous family. Other family members include broccoli, brussel sprouts, bok choy, collard greens, kale, red and green cabbage, chard, turnip greens, arugula, mustard greens, savoy cabbage, chinese cabbage, rapini and watercress. Several root vegetables like radish, horseradish, turnip, rutabaga, wasabi and oriental radish are considered cruciferous vegetables as well. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics notes that the flavor of these vegetables is enhanced if they are eaten either raw or cooked soon after purchase, and the good news is their nutrient composition does not alter greatly with cooking. Since most people have the misconception that “white” food is “unhealthy”, they assume the same holds true for cauliflower. Even though cauliflower isn’t as colorful as other members of its family, it’s just as nutritious, and in some cases surpasses them when it comes to several nutrients. Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. It is a very good source of choline, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, phosphorus, and biotin. Additionally, it is a good source of vitamin B1, B2, and B3, the minerals potassium and magnesium, https://accisotret.com. Cruciferous vegetables have several proven health benefits. One of the most exciting benefits is that it can decrease cancer risk. These amazing vegetables have the ability to decrease activity of enzymes that stimulate carcinogens in our body, and, on the flip side, they protect DNA from damage. According to the Linus Pauling Institute and the American Cancer Institute, cruciferous vegetables can prevent normal cells from becoming cancerous cells, slow the growth of cancer cells and may even cause cancer cells to self-destruct. Including cruciferous vegetables as part of your regular diet can lower the risk of lung, colorectal, prostate, bladder and breast cancers and may even protect against melanoma and esophageal cancer. In April 2012, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center scientists reported that survival rates of women diagnosed with breast cancer increased with a high intake of cruciferous vegetables. The Take Home Message: not all “white” food is created equal, especially when it comes to cauliflower. Linus Pauling Institute, the American Cancer Institute, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Evidence Update: Effects of Exercise on Sleep Problems

Having Trouble Sleeping? Sleep problems are common during and after treatment for breast cancer and can add to fatigue, stress and reduced quality of life. A recent study looked at the effect of a 12-week exercise program on sleep. The program was conducted with patients receiving radiation treatment. Sleep quality and issues were evaluated in 160 breast cancer patients before, during, and 2, 6, and 12 months after participation in a resistance exercise program versus a relaxation program that served as a control group. Researchers found that the exercise group had significantly fewer sleep issues than the relaxation control group. In addition, the study at pharmacybc.com/ambien-zolpidem/ found that predictors of sleep problems included previous chemotherapy and higher body mass index. Not sleeping well? Come to a TurningPoint exercise class or talk to our expert clinicians about exercise, nutrition and other lifestyle changes that can help. Steindorf K, et al. Effects of exercise on sleep problems in breast cancer patients receiving radiotherapy: a randomized clinical trial. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017 Apr;162(3):489-499.
Evidence Update: Benefits of Exercise During Radiation Treatment

Many breast cancer patients experience fatigue during and after radiation therapy. A recent meta-analysis combined the results of many studies that assessed the effect of exercise during radiation on fatigue and quality of life among breast cancer patients. The results of nine studies were combined to include a total of 738 participants. The results showed that exercise was effective at reducing fatigue, particularly combined aerobic and resistance exercise. The authors concluded that exercise during radiation can be considered beneficial in breast cancer patients. TurningPoint’s weekly Friday Stretch and Strengthen class is a great way to get started on the path to reducing fatigue and feeling better during and after your breast cancer treatment! Lipsett A et al. The impact of exercise during adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer on fatigue and quality of life: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast. 2017. 8;32:144-155.
Evidence Update: Update on GA Tech Research at TurningPoint

LymphaTech Research Update Georgia Tech has been partnering with TurningPoint for a little over a year to research and develop a new low-cost, high-accuracy lymphedema measurement and monitoring tool using the Microsoft XBOX Kinect. To date, we have scanned over 120 TurningPoint patients, and the results we have collected so far are looking very promising. The LymphaTech volume and circumference measurements correlate well with those of the Perometer and support the use of modern 3D scanning technology for quantifying and tracking limb geometries. We are currently using the patient data collected from TurningPoint to build and refine the mathematical models and algorithms that will be used to compute the relevant clinical measurements. Our initial goal is to collect a data set of 200 patients to finalize the first version of the model, so we are well over half-way done! Excitingly, the work we have done thus far at TurningPoint has allowed us to apply for additional grants to expand the scope of our testing and the breadth of our applications. We have been able to increase the study to three additional clinical sites for patient testing, including the AVON Breast Center at Grady Memorial Hospital. We were also recently recruited to use the LymphaTech system as part of a Global Task Force and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project to treat and monitor lymphedema in developing countries worldwide. The research we have performed at TurningPoint has contributed to cutting-edge advances in the standard of lymphedema care and is making a global impact! Mike Weiler, Ph.D. Co-Founder and CEO, LymphaTec hational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow Georgia Institute of Technology