Patient Perspective: Amy
I am a stay at home mom, and when not on homework/bus stop duty, I enjoy walking with friends for exercise and company, creating photo books of family adventures, and hanging out with my husband to catch up on our similar tastes in tv and movies. I also like reading all the survivorship stories and learning […]
Patient Perspective: Peggy
Cancer became my reality in December 2016. Nothing prepares you for going through cancer treatment and the impact it will have on you and your family. My husband Trevor works outside the home and I work part time from home and stay home to care for our two young children, Ella and Colton. Shortly after […]
Evidence Update: Emotional & Physical Sexual Health Needs for Women with Cancer
Recent research has shown that female cancer patients/survivors have unmet sexual and vaginal health needs that are not being traditionally met by their doctors and health providers. A study published in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment surveyed women with a history of breast cancer and/or gynecologic cancer and found that 70% were somewhat to very concerned about sexual […]
Evidence Update: Added sugars and new food label
Sugar Sugar Everywhere As discussed in the November Newsletter the new nutrition facts label will be rolling out in 2018. Larger manufacturers have until July 26, 2018 to be compliant with labeling, but you may have noticed the new label already on some of your favorite food items, which is very exciting. The new changes […]