Patient Perspective: Shirlene
As a high school principal, I loved every minute I walked in the school to support teachers and students. I am now retired and assist my daughter and her husband a few days a week with their business. I am an avid reader and love to travel and entertain. Being diagnosed with breast cancer has […]
Patient Perspective: Shannon
As the Registered Nurse in the family, I was the one that took care of my family and friends by phone or in person. I was studying and preparing for the Certified Diabetes Educator Certification Exam. My stress releaser from studying for my exam was Spin and Step classes. My favorite pastime was relaxation baths. […]
Patient Perspective: Ellen
July 28, 2016. I can’t remember my husband’s birthday but I will never forget that day. It’s the day I began my journey as a breast cancer patient, diagnosed with invasive mammary carcinoma that had spread to my lymph nodes. This proved to be the toughest and in some ways, the most enlightening experience of […]
Patient Perspective: Nancy
When I received my cancer diagnosis I was new to Atlanta and went back to Philadelphia (where I had lived for 40 years) for my surgeries and reconstruction. Traveling was a challenge but worth it emotionally. My husband, son and close friends offered support. My career has been mainly Interior Design and a Retail store…it […]