Strides for Survivors: T-Shirts Available

The 4th Annual Strides for Survivors Walk, held February 1, 2020, was a huge success. Team Scalise (3 daughters who organize the event in honor of their mother, Stephanie Scalise) did an outstanding job of fundraising for TurningPoint. A record 250+ walkers registered to help raise over $9,000.00 to date. If you would like to support TurningPoint and/or missed out on the walk this year, you can purchase one of the extra T-shirts and/or Tanks for $15 each, (available in multiple sizes) Contact [email protected] Strides holds other TurningPoint fundraising activites year-round. You can follow on instagram: stridesforsurvivors
Evidence Update: The Benefits of Group Exercise

The New Year is upon us and so is the chance to create healthy habits. Participating in a formal exercise routine is one healthy habit that can have a lasting impact for every population but the impact is even greater for those who have survived breast cancer. According to Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund exercise can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and increase bone mineral density. Due to this immune system boost, those who are exercising regularly can also lower their risk of cancer returning. The benefits of exercise do not stop at only physical impacts. According to the same research by Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund, those who choose to exercise regularly can also receive mental and emotional benefits. These benefits include improved emotional well-being, increased quality of life, less anxiety and improved memory. In an article published by, quality of life can also improve when exercising with a group. This article references a study titled Effect of Group Dynamics-Based Exercise Versus Personal Training in Breast Cancer Survivors. During this study 26 women with either stage I or stage II breast cancer were divided into two groups and began exercise training twice a week for 8 weeks. Group I was trained by a personal trainer and group II participated in a group exercise class. Through this study the researchers were able to conclude that while both groups did improve in physical abilities, group II proved to surpass group I in quality of life improvement. Researchers attributed this improved quality of life to the community of support and comradery received through group exercise. As we enter in this New Year, we encourage you to seek out opportunities for group exercise, the benefits of doing so are endless. References DePolo, J. (2019). Group Exercise Improves Quality of Life More than Personal Training for Women Treated for Breast Cancer. Wharton, M. (n.d.). The Benefits of Exercise After Getting Diagnosed with Cancer. Cancer Prevention and Treatment Fund, 1-4.
Evidence Update: Self-Care in Breast Cancer Recovery

Breast cancer is an extremely challenging life event that can occur and impact one’s outlook on life. While focus on quality of life has traditionally centered on physical well-being, current research is showing a multitude of other factors that influence a woman’s quality of life. A recent literature review explored the existing research and showed that breast cancer survivors experience physical, psychological, social, and spiritual challenges, all of which can benefit from a more holistic approach of well-being and self-care. The article points out that as many as 64% of women with breast cancer experience fear as well as high percentages experiencing distress and anxiety. Socially, women perceived their social functioning as reduced and negatively impacted throughout a cancer journey. However, studies have found that utilization of a social support network is associated with better resistance to illness, lower mortality, longer survival from myocardial infarction, lower risk of cancer reoccurrence, and improved cancer survival. Spirituality and religiosity is another area impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis. Research has shown that an involvement in spiritual/religious activities enhances physical and mental health, coping with illness, medical outcomes, decreasing fear, finding hope, and making meaning. Want to learn more about how to implement self-care in these areas and positively change your overall quality of life? Join us at the August TurningPoint Education event or make an appointment with one of our counselors to learn more. Wei, D, et al. Effectiveness of Physical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Intervention in Breast Cancer Survivors: An Integrative Review, Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs, v.3(3); Jul-Sep 2016.
Evidence Update: Why is Exercise Important for Breast Cancer Survivors?

Establishing a consistent and comprehensive exercise routine that involves upper and lower body strengthening as well as a cardiovascular component should be a goal for all individuals. This is especially important for breast cancer survivors who may benefit from interventions that can offset the side-effects related to breast cancer treatment. A recent study confirms the findings that exercise after cancer-related treatments may improve physical and emotional well-being, maintain bone health, improve balance, reduce risk of recurrence, reduce body mass index, and manage and prevent lymphedema. Participating in aerobic exercise programs for as few as three weeks may have an impact on the health and well-being of survivors. In addition, whole body resistance training programs pose numerous benefits for breast cancer survivors to regain strength and improve body composition. Participating in a regular exercise routine not only has an impact on health, but helps empower individuals with a sense of accomplishment and involvement in their own self-care. Dieli-Conwright CM, Orozco BZ.  Exercise after breast cancer treatment: current perspectives. Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy (Dove Med Press) 2015; 7:353-362.